Our tariffs

Understanding your tariffs


The tariffs for managing water and the sewer system and meter maintenance are based on the specific characteristics of the municipality of Torrevieja and current legislation.

  • Water supply, sewer system and meter maintenance

    Water is a scarce resource in Torrevieja. That is why water bills are divided into consumption tranches, so that users are charged according to their water use with an increasing tariff, so that rational water use is promoted. The income from the tariffs must cover both the regular costs of managing the system and investment in the infrastructures that the town requires.

    The tariff structure for meter maintenance is a fixed rate, while the water and sewer system tariffs have two different rates:

    • A variable part, which is billed according to consumption and is applied equally for the water and sewer tariffs. The water bill is also charged in tranches, considering the m3 consumed.
    • A fixed part, called the service fee, is a charge for immediate availability and permanent access to the service. It is applied to both water and the sewer system.
    • Drinking water supply tariffs

      Service fees (fixed amount) Tariffs
      Fixed rate for all uses €13.2759/quartere
      Consumption fees (variable amount) Tariffs
      Fixed rate for all uses  
      From 0 to 15 m3  €0.5522/ m3
      From 16 to 39 m3  €1.2688/ m3
      Over 39 m3   €1.5508/ m3
      Indoor leaks €0.9281/ m3
    • Sewer tariff

      Service fees (fixed amount) Tariffs
      Fixed rate for all uses €7.9500/quarter
      Consumption fees (variable amount) Tariffs
      Fixed rate for all uses €0.1100/ m3
    • Meter maintenance tariff

      Service fees Monthly tariff Quarterly tariff
      Calibre up to 13 mm €0.378/month €1.134/quarter
      Calibre up to 15 mm €0.378/month €1.134/quarter
      Calibre up to 20 mm €0.473/month €1.419/quarter
      Calibre up to 25 mm €0.808/month €2.424/quarter
      Calibre up to 30 mm €0.948/month €2.844/quarter
      Calibre up to 40 mm €1.612/month €4.836/quarter
      Calibre up to 50 mm €3.844/month €9.432/quarter
      Calibre up to 65 mm €3.844/month €11.532/quarter
      Calibre up to 80 mm €5.194/month €15.582/quarter
      Calibre up to 100 mm €6.283/month €18.849/quarter

    View the legislation on water, sewer system and meter maintenance tariffs:

  • Wastewater treatment levy

    Autonomous community rate paid to the Entitat Pública de Sanejament d'Aigües Residuals de la Comunitat Valenciana (EPSAR)

    EPSAR was established through Law 2/1992 of the Regional Government of Valencia on 26 March as a public body with its own legal status independent from the Valencian Government and with full public and private powers.

    Its relations with the Valencian Government are through the department to which it is assigned at any given time. Currently this is the Department of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development, by virtue of Decree 158/2015, of 18 September, of the Council, which approves the Organic and Functional Regulations of the aforementioned department, and under the terms established in Law 2/1992, and Decree 170/1992.

    Visit EPSAR's website and view the legislation and tariffs relating to the wastewater treatment levy:


Average monthly consumption reference data

The price of water is determined based on different progressive price ranges, in order to promote responsible consumption, and the corresponding service fee. The average price of water consumption for a home per month is equivalent to:

month consumption *Total water on bill Average price cons. 1 liter Average price cons. 1 m3
7 m3 9,72 0,0014 1,3886
15 m3 20,44 0,0014 1,3627
30 m3 43,70 0,0015 1,4567

* Includes fixed fee and variable consumption fee.