Innovative solutions with
minimum environmental impact
Wastewater treatment is based on eliminating all residues that have accumulated in wastewater, returning it to the environment in optimum conditions, to protect aquatic ecosystems, avoid risks to public health, and obtain water that is suitable for reuse. This ensures the future of coming generations and the environment and achieves sustainable development.
The town of Torrevieja has a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) with a current treatment capacity of 60,000 m³/day, to provide a service to an inhabitant equivalent of 490,000, while the effluent quality is improved with tertiary treatment.
The facility consists of: pretreatment, homogenisation, primary decantation, biological treatment, secondary decantation and tertiary treatment with disinfection. The water line is completed by treating the resulting sludge with anaerobic digestion, thickening and dewatering.
Currently all treated water is reused for agriculture by irrigation associations.
The resulting sludge is used in agriculture as fertiliser or as fuel in concrete manufacturing (energy recovery) in the San Vicente de Raspeig CEMEX plant.

Technical data and main characteristics
- Treatment process
Total oxidation activated sludge Maximum dewatering by centrifuge Final effluent destination Agricultural irrigation Final sludge destination Use as fertiliser or for energy recovery - Key figures
Treatment capacity 60,000 m3/day Population supplied 490,000 inhabitant equivalent Performance index for BOD5 elimination Over 99% Performance index for SS elimination Over 99% Performance index for COD elimination Over 96% - Data for 2021
Water treated 6,523,500 m3/year Inhabitant equivalent supplied 136,158 inhabitant equivalent Water reused for irrigation 6,428,424 m3/year Performance index for BOD5 elimination Over 99% Performance index for SS elimination Over 99% Performance index for COD elimination Over 97% Sludge for agricultural use 6,564 t/year Sludge for energy recovery 2,460 t/year Waste eliminated 0 t/year - Main characteristics
Thick automatic grilles > 5 mm 4 Units Automatic fine solid sieving > 2 mm 4 Units Degritting - degreasing channels 3 Units (375.5 m3) Homogenisation pond capacity 7,500 m3 Impulse pumps 7 Units Primary decantation 3 Units (2,290 m3/Units) Biological reactors 3 Units (9,720 m3) Aeration equipment 5 turbo compressors (12,500 Nm3/h) Dewatering 3 75 m3/h centrifuges Disinfection 5 sets of UV treatment equipment and sodium hypochlorite dosage Automatic control Remote control Tertiary treatment Consisting of nine rapid filtration sand beds Clarifiers 6 2,700 m3 circular units /units Central process control lab 1 units